Fluoride Treatment
General Dentistry
What is it
Another key to healthy teeth is fluoride, an important mineral that keeps tooth decay at bay. Calcium in our teeth is often lost through a process called “demineralization”, where the enamel layer of one’s tooth is gradually eroded by the acidic food and drinks that we consume.
Fluoride treatments done in a dental clinic can help to strengthen the bonding of calcium in our tooth enamel, hence preventing and even reversing tooth decay. The fluoride, which may take the form of a gel, cream or varnish, will be applied to your teeth and left there to be absorbed.
How it works
Fluoride reacts with tooth mineral, forming either fluoridated apatite (firmly-bound) or calcium fluoride (loosely-bound).
Firmly-bound fluoride, incorporated onto the surface of the crystals of apatite, can reduce the solubility of tooth minerals and hence inhibit demineralization due to acids generated by plaque bacteria.
Loosely-bound (labile F) fluoride provides a relatively slow-release form of ionic fluoride to plaque and saliva. There has been renewed interest in loosely-bound fluoride as a reaction product of fluoridation to act as a potential “reservoir” source of solution fluoride enhancing remineralization and retarding demineralization processes.
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) – Building blocks of tooth mineral
The most reactive and soluble calcium phosphate compound, ACP forms on the tooth enamel, within the dentinal tubules and provides a calcium and phosphate reservoir. Research shows that available ACP on the enamel can prevent damaging erosion by stimulating remineralization of tooth structure.9, 10, 11 Introducing calcium and phosphate back into the surface of the tooth with products containing ACP technology is an ideal strategy to reverse the demineralization process.
The ACP-forming ingredients also strengthen teeth by acting as an enhanced fluoride delivery system to deliver more fluoride than products without ACP. The patient has the benefit of fluoride uptake without greater exposure to higher fluoride concentrations or volumes. ACP combines with fluoride to desensitize dentin. Fluoride, along with ACP, occludes tubules by depositing tooth-like minerals to create a semi-permanent reduction in hydraulic conductance. This is a proven mechanism to reduce dentinal hypersensitivity.